Salvation, A Love Story

Written by Pastor Aldo Leon on . Posted in Sermons

Ruth and Boaz

Pastor Aldo Leon - Ruth 3
Delivered on: 26 July 2015

Christianity is about salvation and salvation is nothing less than a love story that we need to regularly re-script ourselves into. Listen to the story of Ruth and see how Pastor Leon shows how the story of Ruth describes our relationship to our redeemer. See how we seek intimacy with the redeemer, how we see intimacy with the redeemer and how we share intimacy. (Ruth 3:1-18)

This sermon was given as part of Providence Road Church's “Ruth” series, please visit their site: to listen to the series.

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En Español - Rut 3

El Pastor Aldo dió este sermón en la Iglesia Providence Road como parte de la serie “Rut”, Por favor, visita su sitio web: para escuchar y descargar archivos de audio de esta serie en español.

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