The Answer to Everything: Worship of a Bloody Lamb

Advent: The Picture of the Risen King

Pastor Aldo Leon - Revelation 5
Advent: The Picture of the Risen King, Part 2
Delivered on: 20 December 2015

What is the answer to the lost person living from thing to thing just waiting to die? What about the person playing church who knows all the right things to say but in their heart is godless? What about the Christian who sees Christian things as burdensome and is simply bored with God? What is the answer to the persecuted person worn out by his profession and the regular resistance? What about for the Christian in a broken marriage? What is needed? What we see from our passage is that what is needed is a glimpse of what exhilarates people in heaven. And so as we see what exhilarates people in heaven is nothing less than a glorious Christ presented as the powerful lamb slain we see what we need to obsess and find delight in. And that is nothing less than this final picture of a glorious, mighty and bloody lamb. (Rev 5)

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