About Us

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Pastor Aldo and Family

Aldo Leon


Aldo Leon did not grow up in a Christian home and truly lived the life of a prodigal child. In the summer of 2007 the Lord saved Him by His sovereign grace and gave Him a new life in Christ. He was then shortly baptized at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland where he immediately became part of a church plant, Redeemer Church Arlington, in Arlington, Virginia. He then went to Los Angeles, California to be prepared for ministry where he studied at the Master's Seminary in the Master's of Divinity program. While in Los Angeles he worked at a non-profit called Children's Hunger Fund where he equipped local churches to do gospel-centered mercy ministry in the Southern California area, Guatemala, Peru, Mexico, Belarus and Ukraine. He also pastored a church as an associate in the downtown Los Angeles area where he was the Spanish pastor. He then moved to Miami to be a part of a church plant residency at Providence Road Church. While conducting his residency, Aldo finished and received his degrees: Master of Divinity and Master of Theology in Practical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky as a long distance student.

Phone: +1 (305) 440-1912
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Aldo was born in New Orleans and moved to South Florida as a child, spending a large portion of his life in Florida. He married his wife, Rebecca in 2008 and they have three children, Adonias, Abriella and Elias. Aldo loves people, reading, writing about the Gospel and Basketball.

Listen to Pastor Aldo's Testimony in Spanish (recorded live), given on 04-Dec-16 at the Los Pinos Nuevos Almendares Church in Havana, Cuba.

Our Story

A Commitment to Reach Lost Souls

As I was in seminary in Los Angeles, I began to notice something troubling. I saw that many of the churches that were strong in doctrine were content with growing their churches primarily by attracting believers from weaker churches. I also noticed that the passion for lost souls to encounter the resurrected Jesus was something that existed primarily in doctrinal statements/words but not in the lives of the churches. The church has, in some ways, become a place for good and moral people rather than a place for sinners who need to be saved. I began to pray regularly about the matter and started to feel a burden for church planting. I desired to establish churches strong in doctrine with a practical and consuming passion to reach lost souls in their communities.

Having grown up in South Florida, I began to reach out to people in the Miami area inquiring about the city’s spiritual situation. What I came to find was staggering: Miami is a city with 3 million people that to this day remains 95% unchurched! In my efforts to reach out to people in Miami, I encountered Providence Road Church (PRC) led by Pastor Jose Abella, Jesse Crowley, and Alex Comesanas. Providence Road Church, at the time, was a three-year-old church plant that was seeking to reproduce more gospel-centered churches in the Miami area. The Lord united us in spirit quickly and within six months I left Los Angeles with my wife and two small children. Along with leaving LA, we left behind a stable job with good pay and benefits, good friends, and seminary. I left seminary before completing my Master’s Degree, with nothing more than an idea that Miami is in need of the gospel and we must respond to the call in faith.

My family and I moved from LA to Miami into the neighborhood of Providence Road Church. Over the span of a year co-laboring with PRC, we learned first-hand the ins and outs of church planting in Miami, the needs of Miami, and we shared with them the vision of Reconcile Church Miami. This idea and vision was then shared by a handful of members of Providence Road Church. The Lord led us to plant a church in the Homestead area. After a year, my family and I moved to Homestead to begin the journey the Lord set before us. We started meeting as Reconcile Church Miami in our home and later we rented a building at night. Now the Lord has us meeting Sunday mornings at 10:45AM at the Seminole Theater.

Since Reconcile Church Miami was established on March 27, 2016, we are laboring and waiting on the Lord to build His church here for His glory. We look forward to you visiting us and being part of what the Lord is doing in Homestead through this church!


Why Homestead?

Homestead is a city that is rich in diversity and culture and it's the largest city in South Miami Dade. We have chosen Homestead not just because of these reasons, but also because of the great need it has for the gospel. We desire to see the citizens of Homestead renewed by the love of God through Christ. The City of Homestead has working plans to grow and renovate the city and attract more people to the downtown area, so what better place to plant a church than in the heart of a growing city! We are meeting in the Seminole Theater, which is in the center of the city's downtown area. You can find us on the corner of South Krome Avenue and West Mowry Drive. It is here where we hope to bring real renovation to Homestead. We desire to be a part of the city's growth and maturity, not just in its culture and arts, but in its gospel renewal. Though there are churches in the area, seldom can be found in the midst of the city (enabling Homestead to truly be impacted) and some are not preaching gospel-centered teachings (enabling Homestead to truly be transformed).

We want to be a church that is in the city of Homestead and is about the city of Homestead. There are various mediums that this can be accomplished through – the local college and schools, its various suburbs, and of course the Homestead Miami Speedway. Our desire is to impact Homestead in the areas of family, education, and recreation to reach all sorts of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.